About Jillian Rollinger
Jillian Rollinger specialized in lasers before lasers were a “thing.” After receiving her BA in Science, she worked closely with Dermatologists and Plastic Surgeons introducing them to highly complicated lasers that required major downtime and little flexibility in their offerings. Her quest for more knowledge and a deeper desire to understand lasers’ impact on skin tissue led her to some of her most meaningful work with a NASA physicist. Together they worked closely to test and create settings that would change industry standards. This work in the field and in the lab provided Rollinger with an in-depth knowledge of repairing damaged skin to a more youthful state.
Over 20 years experience working with lasers coupled with a first hand global perspective of the most sought-after skincare treatments around the world, Jillian took her extensive knowledge and experience to create a revolutionary treatment with immediate results, zero downtime and no negative impact on the skin’s barrier. Her proprietary treatment, now called “Glass Skin” is tailored to each client's specific needs and trouble zones. This multifaceted treatment also utilizes energies in different skin depths for results that are unmatched and long-lasting.
Not surprisingly, “Glass Skin” has created a cult following and Rollinger travels all over the world performing these treatments that have been touted as “face snatching,” “game changing,” and have been called the only non invasive treatment that can change the structure of your face.
About Glass Skin
In true Jillian fashion, offering the right product post-treatment was critical, but she couldn’t find anything impressive enough for her discerning clients. Hyaluronic acid was a natural choice as it is known for its impressive ability to hold 1000 times its weight in water and is a favorite ingredient among top aestheticians.
Rollinger worked with a compounding pharmacy to create the highest medical grade hyaluronic acid on the market. Combining the highest grade HA with a Vitamin B Activator, the desired effect was achieved: hyaluronic acid that works within the cells faster with unparalleled absorption.
Once reserved for her a-list clients after her exclusive Glass Skin treatment, Jillian realized the massive impact GLASS serum had on every skin type. Now anyone can achieve glass-like skin that is deeply hydrated. We love that GLASS helps to diminish fine lines and wrinkles. You’ll love the flawless glow that looks like a permanent filter.